Saturday, September 19, 2009

Missy's great adventure

Misha and I are on our usual walk. We live on a busy block emptying to a very heavy traffic street.
A pretty little mini Schnauzer comes up to us. Who are you? And WHAT are you doing running around loose?
This is my neighbor Lois'es dog, I bet. Never off a leash in her six years of life. Uhoh.

Slightest hint of reaching for her, and she ducks away. I fear if I really try to catch her she'll bolt into traffic. But she's flirting with my Misha. He's charmed, too. Tails wag. I walk him up the block. The Schnauzer comes too. They play bow. Her driveway. She knows where she is, runs confidently ahead to her back gate--which is slightly open. That explains her wandering around! In we all go. I shut the gate. The dogs play. Yes, there's a back doorbell. Door opens, the Schnauzer dashes in, owner Lois gapes in surprise. Your dog was out, Lois. Now she's in. OMG in all these years that has never happened. I'm relieved, Lois is grateful --and the Schnauzer, Missy, now has her very first dog friend in her entire life--and they have a play date. My good deed for the week!

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