Tuesday, September 15, 2009

News from Zoos

I'm getting ready for a ten-day trip to St. Louis and Denver, to teach and talk about modern operant training, the same level of clicker training we teach at ClickerExpo and Karen Pryor Academy (www.clickerexpo.com and www.karenpryoracademy.com.)
In both cities the invitation first came from a clicker-focused shelter. The public talks will be jointly sponsored by shelter and zoo. I'll be visiting the trainers at both facilities, touring the facility and seeing what they are already doing with their training and their challenging animals. I'll also be giving private workshops for the trainers in both facilities. Schedules permitting, the zoo trainers can come to the shelter workshops and vice versa--very useful to see how people with completely different animals are nevertheless facing some of the same challenges and using the same wonderful techology of modern training.
I've set up this blog to help me share each day's events with you. The blog also appears on www.clickertraining.com and www.simon&schuster.com, and Fans of Karen Pryor on Facebook. And of course you can follow me on Twitter, where I'm karen_pryor.

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